MWM Premium Oil for Gas Engines

Premium Oil

MWM gas engine Premium oils ensure high performances and efficiency levels of powerful gas engines on a long-term basis.

Continuously High Performances & Efficiency Levels through MWM Gas Engine Premium Oil

MWM engines are designed for long-term high performances with a maximum level of efficiency and maximum services lives and are the basis for the economic and ecological success of a cogeneration plant. Taking into account the available fuel gas and the operating mode of the engine, the gas genset in combination with the appropriate engine oil achieves consistently high performances and efficiency levels. With increased engine power and higher levels of efficiency, the selection of an optimum engine oil as well as the support of qualified engine oil management is becoming ever more important for the durability of a gas engine. For this reason MWM offers its customers not only a detailed lubricant analysis but also original MWM Premium Oils for gas engines, which increase the economic success of the entire plant by longer oil-change intervals and a reduced lubricant consumption.

MWM Engine Experts Developed Engine Premium Oil

In intensive field tests, engine oils are assessed and approved for use based on lube oil analytics and inspection of dismantled components. Based on the long-standing experience of our development engineers in this field as well as extensive assessment of field experiences of the MWM service organization, engine oils that optimally protect your engine and increase the engine’s efficiency have been selected together with strategic partners.

The Optimum Lubricant Selection: Good Cleanliness and Wear Protection

In addition to maximum wear protection and long oil change intervals, the focus when selecting the MWM Premium engine oils was primarily on good cleanliness of the first piston ring groove. The formation of deposits in this area has adverse effects on the function of the ring package, resulting in a rise in oil consumption. MWM Premium GMO 240 and 440 are characterized by excellent piston cleanliness. Using Premium engine oils increases the availability and economic efficiency of the plant.

MWM Premium GMO 240

MWM Premium GMO 240 constitutes an excellent compromise of performance and costs. Due to its stable TBN, despite limited sulfate ash content, it is suitable not only for natural gas operation, but also explicitly for use in biogas applications – including exhaust aftertreatment.

  • Low-ash gas engine oil
  • High-quality base oil and specially tailored additives for extended change intervals SAE class 40
  • Sulfate ash content 0.55 wt. %
  • Reliable wear protection
  • High piston cleanliness
  • High stability of the base number even with a fluctuating gas quality

MWM Premium GMO 440

MWM Premium GMO 440 is exceptionally well-suited to all applications. The greatest advantages over a conventional mineral oil are particularly evident at high oil temperatures and at a specifically low oil volume (liters/kW). There are usually multiple oil change intervals here.

  • Very low-ash gas engine oil
  • Synthetic base oil for maximum change intervals
  • SAE class 40
  • Sulfate ash content 0.49 wt. %
  • Reliable wear protection
  • Very high piston cleanliness
  • Small deposits on components conducting exhaust gas, such as exhaust heat exchangers Reduction of oil consumption

Typical Material Properties of Premium GMO 240/440

Typical material propertiesPremium GMO 240Premium GMO 440
SAE Class4040
Sulfate ash content0.55 wt. %0.49 wt. %
TBN5.2 mgKOH/g6.0 mgKOH/g
Kin. viscosity at 40 °C122 mm2/s127 mm2/s
Kin. viscosity at 100 °C13.3 mm2/s13.5 mm2/s
Viscosity index104100
Density885 kg/m3950 kg/m3
Pour point-18°C-25°C
Flash point227°C245°C

Range of Application of the MWM Premium Gas Engine Oils

Gas engine oilsHigh gas qualityAverage gas qualityLow gas quality
GMO 240+++++++
GMO 440++++++

MWM Gas Engine Premium Oil – Brochure and Product Data Sheet

MWM High Performance Engine Oil – Brochure

Maximum performance, maximum availability – through optimized plant management.

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Specification for lube oil

Technical Bulletin – valid for:
TCG 2016, TCG 3016, TCG 2020, TCG 3020, TCG 2032, TCG 2032B

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(PDF, 3 MB)

Download Specification for lube oil EN
(PDF, 3 MB)

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Contact Service

Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH
Carl-Benz-Strasse 1
68167 Mannheim

T +49 6 21/3 84 – 0
F +49 6 21/3 84 – 88 00