Three MWM Gas Engines Generate Heat and Power for Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL), Indian Manufacturer of Industrial Coolants
Mannheim, March 29, 2023
After the installation of three MWM gas engines for the Indian industrial coolant manufacturer Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited (GFL), the Indian MWM distributor and service partner Green Power International Pvt. Ltd. performed comprehensive maintenance work. The MWM gas engines in island mode produce heat and power for the factory and have already completed more than 100,000 operating hours.
Energy for Production of Chemicals and Coolants
At three production sites, Indian coolant manufacturer Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited produces a wide spectrum of process chemicals, including high-quality fluoropolymers and coolants for the automotive industry, food processing, and the pharmaceutical industry. For the Ranjit Nagar plant in Gujarat, Green Power International Pvt. Ltd. had already installed a power plant with an output of 3.75 MWel back in 2005. The power plant runs with three gas engines including a complete plant configuration and a 3.5-TPH exhaust heat boiler.

A TBG 620 V12 with an output of 1,021 kWel and two TBG 620 V16 K gas engines with an output of 1,364 kWel produce heat and power for the factory’s production processes. Following the installation of a 66-kV-line (high-voltage line) and the expansion of the plant in July 2021, the plant load of GFL and the entire HCFC plant (main critical products) are supported by the power plant with all three MWM gas engines in synchronized island mode.
Comprehensive Maintenance Work by Green Power International Pvt. Ltd.
A comprehensive operating and maintenance agreement signed by Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited and Green Power International Pvt. Ltd. has ensured the provision of labor, lubricant, consumables, and spare parts for the entire power plant from its go-live on June 30, 2005 until now. The MWM gas engines are already on the way to the second major maintenance round by the MWM distributor in order to continue to ensure optimum performance and efficient energy generation.
Further information:
- MWM Gas Engines and Power Gensets
- MWM Cogeneration Power Plants
- MWM press release: E70 Overhaul Successfully Completed: MWM TCG 2032 V16 Gas Engine Secures Energy Supply of Medical Technology Manufacturer HMD in India
- MWM press release: Six MWM TCG 2020 V20 Gas Engines in Island Mode Supply World’s Largest Motorcycle and Scooter Manufacturer with Power
- MWM press release: Amul Dairy: MWM TBG 620 V16K Gas Engine Ensures 100-Percent Capacity Utilization and Uninterrupted Dairy Operations
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