Strong Engines Make the World Go Round

MWM products also regularly inspire our suppliers

MWM Gas EnginA Special MWM Moment of Daniel Bach

I am currently working on the procurement side for our company. But my time in sales is unforgotten. So I continue to inspire suppliers with my experience for our MWM products.

And I find that particularly refreshing: suppliers sometimes ask if they can come and see our products and our production. Sure, I’m happy to organise the visit, because their interest is serious. Of course, the TCG 2032 gas engine with an electrical output of 4,500 kW, a weight of more than 50 tonnes and a service life that makes even the most robust truck engines envious is particularly impressive and nice to show. A real top product!

I am also happy to tell visitors about the Greenhouse applications in Holland, where the CO2 from the exhaust gas is used for fertilisation to increase crop yields. Particularly impressive is also the application at Lake Kivu in the border region between Rwanda and the Congo, where biogas is actively extracted from the lake. And then let’s not forget the beverage producers who use electricity, heat and even the CO2 for their processes – yes, even to carbonate the drinks!

Our suppliers feel even more connected to us afterwards and are impressed by how many different ways our gensets are used. Sure, they are mostly invisible in everyday life. But the engines make a significant contribution to keeping our world turning.

One more thing: I myself see our products as an important and necessary part of the future energy supply. The STOR projects (“Short Term Operating Reserve”) to ensure the long-term stability of the electricity grid in Great Britain have shown the challenges we all face when the share of renewable energies increases. There is no doubt: we need decentralised, flexible power plants that can be called up at any time and whose energy source can be stored. With this, we will also succeed in the energy transition.


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