On the Road to Success with Color Slides

MWM presents itself in Bonn, capital of the Federal Republic of Germany
A Special Moment of Heinrich Baas
Following the takeover of Motoren-Werke Mannheim AG (MWM) by Klöckner Humboldt Deutz AG (KHD) and the realignment of the business areas, Motoren-Werke Mannheim AG and MWM Diesel- und Gastechnik GmbH presented themselves to a large audience comprising politicians and industrialists at the representation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg in Bonn, the then-capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, on June 23, 1987.
As a young engineer, I was impressed by the event, and I was proud to present my part. Initially, I was a bit nervous, but everything went very smoothly. In my presentation, I introduced eco-compatible, efficient energy applications with Deutz MWM gas engines and industry gas turbines. The presentation was followed by a lively discussion.
Prior to the event, the marketing department of KHD in Cologne had assisted us in preparing the presentation documents. For the first time, we were able to place color slides on the overhead projector, which greatly supported and facilitated the presentation. Previously, we had only used black and white slides. Nothing comparable to what is possible today with a software application like PowerPoint, but a great step ahead for us back then.
For MWM gas technology, this event marked a milestone and the beginning of a great success story. MWM was able to strengthen its foothold in the energy markets and became Germany’s market leader. Today, Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH continues to build on this gas technology and on eco-compatible, efficient energy applications with its MWM brand.
MWM History. Future Needs Tradition.
More about the history of the company, the MWM brand and the experience in developing and optimizing stationary gas engines.
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