MWM TCG 2020 V16 Gas Engine Secures Power Supply of Thai Food Factory in Island Mode
Mannheim, May 13, 2024
GPI Energy (Thailand) Ltd., MWM distributor for Thailand, has installed an MWM TCG 2020 V16 gas engine for the Uthai Rung Co., Ltd. factory in Uthai Thani Province site of WGC Co., Ltd. The Thai food manufacturer WGC Co., Ltd. produces added-value products such as maltodextrin, maltose syrup, liquid glucose, and glucose syrup. The tapioca required for the products is manufactured in the company’s two factories: Uthai Rung Co., Ltd. and Lampang Agro Co., Ltd. An MWM gas engine is also used for energy generation at the Lampang Agro Co., Ltd. in Lampang Province.

MWM gas engine runs on biogas from factory
To ensure reliable power supply of the factory, GPI Energy (Thailand) Ltd. has installed an MWM TCG 2020 V16 gas engine for the Uthai Rung Co., Ltd. in Uthai Thani Province. site. The factory, which is located about 250 km from Bangkok, processes about 200 t of starch a day. The factory produces raw material for further processing by WGC Co., Ltd. The MWM gas engine with an output of 1.56 MW is housed in a container and runs on biogas gained from the factory’s wastewater. The containerized cogeneration power plant was delivered and installed on a turnkey basis by GPI Energy (Thailand) Ltd. The planning of the project, the commissioning of the transformer, the 22-kV medium voltage switchboard, and the grid connection were also implemented by GPI Energy (Thailand) Ltd.
Island-mode operation for hassle-free power supply of production
The MWM TCG 2020 V16 gas engine for Uthai Rung Co., Ltd. is synchronized with the grid and switches to island-mode operation whenever the grid supply is interrupted. When the grid is back up, the engine is again synchronized with the grid. This approach prevents production outages such as those that used to occur due to power interruptions prior to the installation of the MWM gas engine. Since the commissioning in 2022, the MWM TCG 2020 V16 has been continually supplying the factory’s production processes and has already completed more than 2,000 operating hours.
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