MWM Exhibits at 10th Annual CHP Conference in Dresden on Subject “Industrial and Communal CHP Deployment”
MWM Exhibits at 10th Annual CHP Conference in Dresden on Subject “Industrial and Communal CHP Deployment”
Mannheim, December 5, 2018
The Annual CHP Conference has developed into a regular meeting point for the CHP industry. A total of 157 participants and 23 exhibitors including MWM made use of this year’s conference for the exchange of information and discussions. Under the keywords “sector coupling” and “flexibilisation”, new planning and technical requirements for CHP plants were introduced on an exhibition space of about 1,000 m². This year’s application-oriented lectures and discussion rounds focused on the revision of the “100-day law” and the associated amendments to the EEG levy and the German Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG).
MWM exhibition stand at the Annual CHP Conference 2018.
Identifying and Making Good Use of CHP Trends
The event also put a spotlight on cogeneration power plants with an electrical output of more than 50 kW up to the two-digit MW range. For the first time, the “Cogeneration Power Plant Parameters 2018/2019” were published at the conference and addressed in discussion rounds. A total of six lectures covered future-oriented subjects concerning innovative CHP systems and the resulting changes in the system structure and understanding of a CHP operation.
The “Cogeneration Power Plant Parameters 2018/2019” were published at the conference and addressed in discussion rounds.
Customer-Specific Power Plant Solutions and Gas Engines from MWM
With its more than 140 years of experience in the development and optimization of gas engines in various output ranges, MWM delivers highly efficient, eco-friendly combined heat and power plants for distributed energy generation. Apart from matchless profitability, the MWM cogeneration power plants enable distributed, economic, and energy-efficient power generation.
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