Modernization of Heuchelhof Cogeneration Power Plant: ETW Energietechnik Supplies Würzburg Municipal Utility Provider with Two MWM TCG 2020 Gas Engine Gensets for Entry to Control Energy Market
Mannheim, November 22, 2018
After 80,000 hours of operation and some wear and tear, the CHP (combined heat and power) plant of the Würzburg energy supplier was modernized and upgraded for the entry to the control energy market. In 1995, two TGB 620 V16 engines with a total output of approximately 2 MW and an electrical efficiency of about 36 percent had been installed for the Heuchelhof site. The plant generates about 9 million kW of thermal energy and 6 million kW of electrical energy, most of which is used for the heat supply. In total, the two newly installed MWM TCG 2020 V12 gensets have more or less the same nominal output as their predecessors. However, especially the electrical efficiency has gone up substantially, enabling an overall efficiency of more than 93 percent. For the Würzburg municipal utility provider, the investment of approximately €2 million will render the operation more efficient on a long-term basis.
In view of the heat utilization of mixture cooling level II for a coolant inflow at up to 70°C, which is possible with this genset type, ETW considers the MWM TCG 2020 V12 (1.0) to be the most attractive solution under consideration of the framework conditions of available CHP applications.

Reduced Carbon Emissions and Steady Power Supply through Flex Operation
The replacement of the natural gas-fired engines with the new models saves resources and makes the location more efficient. The renewed CHP plant will enable carbon savings of up to 5,703 t/year and supply about 3,000 homes with electricity. Due to the reduced use of natural gas resources, the plant will also be covered by the amended German Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG) and benefit from the federal government’s flexibility bonus. Apart from maximizing their income, operators that switch to flex operation will be able to run their plants efficiently even after the EEG subsidy runs out. By switching to flexible plant operation, the location will be able to enter the control energy market. The modernized cogeneration plant in Heuchelhof is to start test operation before the end of 2018.
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