Cogeneration Plant of the Month
Mannheim, February 27th, 2013
MWM gas engines (TCG 2020 V12) will be used in future at the modernized biomass plant in Essenheim. Plant operator Veolia decided to upgrade its composting plant for organic waste, taking advantage of nascent biogas in an economically viable way by utilizing a 1.2 MW cogeneration plant. Germany’s BHKW Infozentrum (CHP Info Center) therefore conferred its“cogeneration plant of the month” award in January.
The highly efficient lean burn gas engines of the product range MWM TCG 2020 are characterized by particularly high efficiency, thus achieving top ratings in terms of both ecology and economy. Being successfully deployed worldwide, the product range convinces with increased profit contribution due to reduced overall costs, several engine variants tailored to match specific customer needs, best possible control concepts (SCADA) and flexible applicability.
Please retrieve more in-depth information in a related news report from the magazine Energie & Management, re-print of January 15, 2013:
cogeneration plant of the month (PDF, 325 KB, German language)
Further information
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