CHP Plant with MWM Gas Engine for Mushroom Production in Poland Ensures Optimum Growth
Mannheim, October 6, 2022
In 2018, Hajduk Group Sp. z o.o., a Polish manufacturer of mushrooms and mushroom compost, signed a contract for a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. The cogeneration power plant, which was delivered by Centrum Elektroniki Stosowanej CES Sp. z o.o., the official MWM distributor in Poland, runs with an MWM TCG 2020 V16 gas engine. Apart from heat and power, the polygeneration also delivers cold and steam for the mushroom cultivation.

Exhaust Heat of the MWM Gas Engine Serves Cold Supply of Cold Halls
Hajduk Group Sp. z o.o. is one of Poland’s major mushroom producers. To enable optimum mushroom growth, a perfectly balanced ambient temperature is vital. An A/C system is required in order to keep the temperature stable during the production cycle.
The energy costs of the production facilities greatly affect the end price of the mushrooms. To keep these costs as low as possible, the CHP plant delivered by Centrum Elektroniki Stosowanej CES Sp. z o.o. makes use of polygeneration. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is used as fuel. With the help of additional equipment, the CHP plant is able to deliver steam and cold in addition to heat and electrical energy. The plant is powered by an MWM TCG 2020 V16 gas engine with an electrical output of 1,560 kW and a thermal output of 1,580 kW. In the cold halls, in which the substrate is produced with mycelium, the thread-like hyphae of a mushroom, an absorption chiller generates cold for the halls from the exhaust heat of the MWM gas engine. The absorption chiller has an output of 720 kW. Steam is used to sterilize the cold halls between the production cycles. For this, the high-temperature heat of the exhaust gas is used in the steam generator, which delivers 1,060 kg/h of steam with a pressure of 9 bar. The hot water is also used for washing and other technological purposes.

CHP Plant Enables Independent, Flexible Energy Supply
In normal operation, the CHP plant with the MWM gas engine covers the production facilities’ entire demand for heat, cold, steam, and power. On hot summer days, part of the electrical energy is used for additional cooling. On cold winter days, the facilities can be supplied with heat from the CHP plant. Thanks to the polygeneration, the energy generation as well as the heat and cold supply can be controlled in a very flexible way. Thus, Hajduk Group Sp. z o.o. is able to maintain the correct temperature for optimum mushroom growth without any major additional expenses. In this way, Hajduk Group Sp. z o.o. is able to maximize its mushroom yield, while keeping energy costs low.
Further information:
- Website of Centrum Elektroniki Stosowanej CES sp. z o. o.
- MWM Gas Engines and Power Gensets
- MWM CHP Plants and Cogeneration Power Plants
- MWM TCG 2020 Gas Engine
- Energy Self-Sufficient Swimming Pool: Tychy Aquapark in Poland Uses Three Biogas-Fired Cogeneration Power Plants to Cover Entire Heat and Power Demand from Renewable Sources
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