Achieve More Efficiency, Longer Maintenance Intervals, and an Extended Useful Life with the Optimized MWM TCG 2020 V12 (1MW) Gas Engine
Mannheim, November 29, 2016
In addition to the well-known 1.2 MWel TCG 2020 V12, the MWM product portfolio now features the new TCG 2020 V12 gas engine with a capacity of 1 MWel. The MWM gas engine, which is optimized for the 1 MWel power band, is basically suitable for all natural gas and biogas applications in all countries with 50 Hz networks.

The Especially for 1 MW Electrical Power Optimized MWM Gas Engine TCG 2020 V12 Boasts Extended Useful Life and Reduced Maintenance and Servicing Overhead
Especially the natural gas variant of the 1 MWel TCG 2020 V12 delivers several advantages. For example, the optimization of the gas gensets enables the extension of the maintenance intervals to 40,000 operating hours for a partial overhaul and to 80,000 operating hours for a general overhaul. In the event of permanent operation, this means an increase of the useful life by two years. This and the following modifications of the 1 MWel genset variant enable a massive reduction of the maintenance and servicing overhead, depending on the respective application scenario.
Higher Electrical Efficiency Despite Lower Capacity
Through the modification to a maximum capacity of 1 MWel and the additional distance to knock limit achieved in this way, the temperature in the mixture cooling circuit can be raised to 50°C. Apart from savings related to the basic price of the gas engine and the plant engineering, this also reduces the risk of condensation in tropical regions. Additionally, the overall efficiency has been improved by almost 1 percent compared to the 1.2 MWel variant. The 1 MWel TCG 2020 V12 now reaches an electrical efficiency of 43 percent (under ISO conditions) for natural gas applications.
Compared to the version with an electrical capacity of 1.2 MW, the MWM TCG 2020 V12 (1MW) gas engine features the following technical differences:
- Higher mixture cooler temperatures for natural gas applications
- Modified generators
- Base frame design without lubricant extension
- Optimized lubricant management
- Modified turbo charger specification
Further Information
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